Site Upgrade

Site Upgrade

Sep 03
Site Upgrade

Well the updates to the site are complete. has a new layout, along with an upgrade to WordPress 3, and the new version of Gallery 3 for my photographs.  If you have the photo gallery bookmarked, be sure visit here and update your bookmarks.  I was able to carry over all of my registered users in the migration but the old links to the gallery will not work in a few weeks when I remove the old gallery directories.  Feel free to take a peruse around and if you see any issues pop me an email or comment on the post and I’ll be sure to work out the last few kinks.  Overall, the upgrade went a lot more smoothly than I expected.  The WordPress part was far easier than the photo gallery changes and I’m still working through a few issues there, which is why I am holding on to the old install for a little while until I’m sure everything is functioning properly.  I haven’t had the time to test and see if my Aperture to Gallery import tool is still working, so that should be interesting.  I’m also a tad behind on getting my photos uploaded, so that’s next on the list.  I’ve already gotten some really positive feedback, so I hope it will serve as a nice little home on the web for me for the next few years until the technology fairy brings enough new toys to convince me into another round of upgrades.

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