Only in Kentucky
Only in Kentucky
Nov 30
Now listen to a story about a town named Rabbit Hash. Nestled in a sleepy corner of Boone County Kentucky is the only place in America where the town mayor is a Border Collie named Lucy Lou. You see, back in 1998 the fine residents of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky didn’t take too kindly to the fellas running for the office of mayor in their corner of the bluegrass. As a joke, a local yokel decided to put up his three legged dog for the office, instead of the distasteful candidates and got more than what he bargained for when his dog won the election by a landslide. Since then, Rabbit Hash residents have elected multiple four legged friends to the office and they couldn’t be happier with the results. This years election included everything from poodles to kitty cats. My personal favorite, however, was the miniature donkey named Higgins. After the votes were counted, it was the incredible campaign stylings of the Lucy Lou camp that included a lovely poster of the collie with the slogan “The Bitch You Can Count On!” that won the day. Who could resist casting a vote for a candidate with that kind of political panache. I highly recommend giving their website a gander. The entire site is a riot. Click here to check it out.