Jury Duty Blues
Jury Duty Blues
Jan 129:00 am
So I am at jury duty this morning and I have to say that so far it hasn’t been quite as bad as I remember. We got quite the hoorah speech from the judge this morning. He at least added some interesting anecdotes as he went through the jury information packet. The one thing I do enjoy about this whole thing is the people watching. This morning I had two guys sitting next to me who raised their hands for the grand jury applications that were under the age of 30. Now I am thinking to myself, how on earth would an under 30 something have the means to serve on a jury for a year making $25 a day? Also, what kind of crapped out 20 something existence must you have to consider this option? I am thinking they didn’t know to bring reading materials and are grasping at straws.
9:30 am
Went to restroom. The chick in here was so frighteningly manly, that I did a double-take and looked for urinals.
10:15 am
I have obtained coffee and was called to department 69. Made me giggle. They are taking roll for the whole class! People look like the after pictures for coma patients. This includes me.
Starting to question my food judgement of really hot Mongolian grill for lunch. Things could get ugly in the backup panel this afternoon. I am awaiting confirmation of my nomination for the Edward R. Murrow award for journalism as a result of this riveting update.
It’s looking like I am going to be on the jury. From this point on I won’t be able to talk about the proceedings until after the case is over. Suffice to say though, so far I am pretty interested to see this human drama play out.