Gaming Again

Gaming Again

Dec 20
Gaming Again
Ok, so I can’t help it. Sometimes I just have to get my game on…

So I haven’t blogged in a while….. Work is making me crazy and the only thing I can think about when I walk in the door is getting my game on. I’ve fragged, role played, become a professional drummer in a Rock Band and in general played my happy little behind off every time I’ve hit the door of the apartment. Nothing in the world gives me any more bliss than the lovely feeling of immersing myself in world made up of bits and bytes. I can do everything I can’t do in the real world and remain anonymous in the process. For me that’s a good thing. I become happier than normal. Now for some….becoming more of yourself is a scary prospect indeed. This is something I have learned the hard way in the gaming world. People are who they really are when they think no one is looking. I’ve ran into guys jerking off into web cams during Uno games. I’m still scarred. I’ve seen people lie to the degree you wouldn’t believe, when they don’t realize there’s a chat bot running on the guild chat network. I’ve seen men act like boys, girls act like prostitutes and boys act more primal than a cro magnon man. It’s scary…..but I can think of no better social experiment. It’s like group therapy times ten.

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