Photo of the Month: February

Photo of the Month: February

Mar 13

I had a great time out in the desert last month.  We spent a long weekend out at Yaqui Well and saw a lot of beautiful scenery while were were out hiking and Jeeping.  Yaqui Well was at one point a stop over point for stagecoaches to water up themselves and their horses, that is according to the Journal of San Diego history.  You can read more about stagecoaches and mule freighters here. The...

Photo of the Month: January

Photo of the Month: January

Jan 31

Now that the holidays have past it’s time to get back to my photography in earnest.  The day before my 40th birthday, my husband took me to the Children’s Pool over in La Jolla around sunset.  Come to find out the locals here call it the “Casa”.   The seals and sea lions love to take naps on the shore here and visitors from all around  the world come to enjoy the view....

Photo of the Month: September

Photo of the Month: September

Sep 30

I took a lot of photos this month and most of the real winners were taken at this year’s Festival of Sail. I had a really hard time deciding but I finally settled on this photo of a compass on one of the tall ships. What I like about this photo is that everything that is supposed to be in focus, is really in focus and everything outside of that is not. In addition, I don’t really...

Festival of Sail

Festival of Sail

Sep 12

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”  Mark Twain This holiday weekend, Jason and I decided to take in San Diego’s Festival of Sail over at the Maritime Museum here in San...

Site Upgrade

Site Upgrade

Sep 03

Well the updates to the site are complete. has a new layout, along with an upgrade to WordPress 3, and the new version of Gallery 3 for my photographs.  If you have the photo gallery bookmarked, be sure visit here and update your bookmarks.  I was able to carry over all of my registered users in the migration but the old links to the gallery will not work in a few weeks when I...

Photo of the Month: August

Photo of the Month: August

Aug 31

One of the things I really like about the new site layout is the way it handles photos. If you haven’t noticed already, if you click the photo on the main page, it brings up a nice windowbox and fades the distraction of the site into the background. This was one of the main reasons I chose to upgrade the site, because I didn’t have any really good ways to handle and post my...

Comic-Con 2010

Comic-Con 2010

Jul 26

Another year and yet another Comic-Con fades off into the sunset and boy was it a blast.  I’ve seen so many things the last four days, it’s hard to pinpoint a true highlight, so I’ll do my best to describe the sights and sounds.  First off, the picture above is my absolute favorite photo I took this year.  Where else could I see two people dressed up in all their Legend of...

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s) Part Two

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s) Part Two

Jun 30

A while back, I promised to do a follow up on my experience with the CSA program we joined a few months ago.  So without further ado, let me just say that it has been a long time since I have had so much fun with food.  I don’t think I realized what a creature of habit I actually am.  I wear a path through the grocery store and often times buy almost the exact same things every time I...

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